There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. -- Ernest Hemingway
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Posts in the writing lifestyle

What Is My Ikigai?

Ever have trouble getting up in the morning? Yeah, who hasn't. But if you knew your Ikigai, it would be a lot easier. Find out more. Continue...

The Writing Lifestyle Blog Self Improvement

I'm Tired of Hitting Snooze When What I Really Want To Do Is Write!

I firmly believe that if you want to become the writer you are meant to be that you must cultivate a writing lifestyle. The cornerstone of the writing lifestyle is your writing schedule. Yet, most days, I still hit the snooze and roll over. Why do I do this? Continue...

7 Day Writing Challenge The Writing Lifestyle Blog Habits

Author Brandon Callahan On Momentum and PieceWorx

We are lucky this week to hear from author Brandan Callahan. He is both a skilled investigator and a talented writer. In addition, he is one of the most genuine and down-to-earth people I know which makes his up coming book all the more chilling. Today, he's talking about momentum and his perspective on PieceWorx Writing Studio. - Steve Continue...

The Writing Lifestyle Blog Guest Writer PieceWorx

Life is Nothing if You're Not Obsessed

Is the desire for an exceptional life at odds, by definition, with a well-balanced and happy life? John Waters had a few words for me 18 years ago on this very topic which changed the course of my life. Continue...

The Writing Lifestyle Blog Motivation

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