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PieceWorx Writing Studio v2.0 | www.PieceWorx.com |
Ctrl+Q | Close program. |
F1 or Ctrl+H | Display Help. |
Esc | In main window, default layout. In dialog window, cancel and close. Elsewhere, cancel. |
Alt+S | Open settings dialog window. |
Ctrl+Space | Jump to next tab. |
Tab | Jump to next control in window. |
Shift+Tab | Jump to previous control in window. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Space | Toggle entering and exiting full screen mode. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L | Fiddle layout modes. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M | Fiddle bumper visibility. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B | Fiddle visibility of format bar and status bar. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+1 | Organize layout mode. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+2 | Edit layout mode. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+3 | Create layout mode. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right | Show left bumper, then left frame. Or just frame if bumper is visible. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left | Hide left frame, then left bumper. Or just bumper if frame is hidden. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+] | Expand left frame. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[ | Shrink left frame. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F | Size to fit. Fit left frame size to content. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up | Show bottom bumper, then bottom frame. Or just frame if bumper is visible. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down | Hide bottom frame, then bottom bumper. Or just bumper if frame is hidden. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt++ | Expand bottom frame. + is the plus key on keyboard. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+- | Shrink bottom frame. - is the minus key, or dash, on keyboard next to the plus. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T | Toggle visibility of top bumper. |
Ctrl+Space | Jump to next visible frame. |
Alt+T | Open the Theme Chooser Dialog window. |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Apply next theme. |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Apply previous theme. |
Space/Ctrl+Space | Select next/previous group |
Up/Down/Left/Right | Navigate displayed theme previews |
Ctrl+M | Toggle preview mode between Bumper View and Tab View |
Enter | Apply currently selected theme |
Escape | Close the Theme Chooser window |
Ctrl+N | New notebook. |
Ctrl+O | Open notebook. |
Ctrl+S | Save notebook. |
F12 | Save notebook as. |
Ctrl+W | Close notebook. |
Ctrl+P | Print preview. |
Ctrl+Alt+K | Show session statistics window. |
Alt+K | Show page statistics window. |
Ctrl+Space | Jump to next tab. |
Ctrl+F | Fiddle: If find tab hidden, show find tab and move to search box. If find tab visible and search box focused, hide find tab. If find tab visible and search box not focused, move to search box. |
Ctrl+G or F3 | Find and highlight next search result. |
Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 | Find and highlight previous search result. |
t | New top-level page. |
c | New child page. |
a or Ctrl+Insert | New sibling page above. |
b or Insert | New sibling page below. |
Enter | Show selected page in center frame. |
Ctrl+C | Copy page. |
Ctrl+M | Merge child pages. |
Space | Rename page. |
d or Del | Delete page. |
Ctrl+I | Import page. |
Ctrl+E | Export page. |
Shift+Up | Move page up. |
Shift+Down | Move page down. |
Shift+Right | Move page in (right). |
Shift+Left | Move page out (left). |
Right | Expand. Show at least the immediate children of the current page. |
Ctrl+Right | Expand All. Show all children beneath the current page. |
Left | Collapse. Hide all children of current page. |
Ctrl+Left | Collapse All. Hide all children of current page and collapse all children. |
Home or PageUp | Jump to top page. |
Up | Move up one page. |
Down | Move down one page. |
End or PageDn | Jump to bottom page. |
Ctrl++ or Ctrl+ScrollWheel | Zoom In. + is the plus key. |
Ctrl+- or Ctrl+ScrollWheel | Zoom Out. - is the minus key (or dash) next to the plus key. |
Alt+B | Show dialog window for customizing the matte background. |
Alt+H | Hide top most page frame. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H | Hide all pages but the current one. |
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H | Hide this page if it is the last one. |
Alt+Left, Alt+Right | Fiddle single page frame positioning modes (Basic, Dock Left, Dock Right, etc.). |
Alt+A | Fiddle auto arrange modes. |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Fiddle page styles. |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Fiddle page views. |
Alt+Up | Jump to the next visible page frame that is higher in the notebook outline. |
Alt+Down | Jump to the next visible page frame that is lower in the notebook outline. |
Home | Start of line. |
End | End of line. |
Ctrl+Home | Start of document. |
Ctrl+End | End of document. |
PageUp | Page up. |
PageDown | Page down. |
Ctrl+PageUp | Top of page. |
Ctrl+PageDown | Bottom of page. |
Ctrl+Up | Up one paragraph. |
Ctrl+Down | Down one paragraph. |
Ctrl+Left | Left one word. |
Ctrl+Right | Right one word. |
Ctrl+R | Open window to choose an image to insert into the editor window. |
Ctrl+C | Copy. |
Ctrl+X | Cut. |
Ctrl+V | Paste. |
Ctrl+A | Select all. |
Ctrl+B | Toggle bold. |
Ctrl+I | Toggle italic. |
Ctrl+U | Toggle underline. |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Fiddle bullet and list style. |
Ctrl+J | Fiddle paragraph alignment: left, center, right, justified. |
Tab | Increase paragraph indent if at least one character is selected. Inserts tab otherwise. |
Shift+Tab | Decrease paragraph indent. |
Ctrl+Shift+I | Toggle single indent of first line of paragraph. |
Ctrl+M | Increase right indent (move right margin to the left). |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Decrease right indent (move right margin to the right). |
Ctrl+1 | Single spacing. |
Ctrl+5 | 1.5 spacing. |
Ctrl+2 | Double spacing. |
Ctrl+0 | Clear all line spacing, same as single spacing |
Ctrl+Shift+1 | Quick font #1, Title 1. |
Ctrl+Shift+2 | Quick font #2, Title 2. |
Ctrl+Shift+3 | Quick font #3, Title 3. |
Ctrl+Shift+4 | Quick font #4, Normal. |
Ctrl+Shift+5 | Quick font #5, Emphasized. |
Ctrl+Shift+6 | Quick font #6, Small. |
Alt+F | Open font selection dialog window. |
Ctrl+Shift+> | Increase font size by one point. |
Ctrl+Shift+< | Decrease font size by one point. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo. |
Ctrl+Y | Redo. |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Toggle turning on/off. |
Ctrl+Shift+D | Add to custom dictionary. |