PieceWorx Writing Studio v1.0 www.PieceWorx.com

Formatting Text

There are many formatting options for your written content. All options are accessible in the right-click menu, most options have a hotkey and many formatting options are available on the format bar above the editor window.

Toggle Format Bar

Right-click menuFormat -> Toggle Format Bar
Format Bar

Hide or show the format bar above the editor window.

NOTE: the hotkey, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B actually fiddles the format bar and status bar visibility. There is no hotkey to toggle the visibility of just the format bar.

NOTE: the arrow button in the format bar only hides the format bar because once it's hidden you can't click on one of its buttons to make it visible again. Alrighty then. Glad we got that cleared up.


Right-click menuFormat -> Copy
Format Bar

Copies the selected content to the Windows clipboard.


Right-click menuFormat -> Cut
Format Bar

Remove the selected content from the editor and put it on the Windows clipboard.


Right-click menuFormat -> Paste
Format Bar

Insert the text and/or image content in the Windows clipboard into the editor.

Select All

Right-click menuFormat -> Select All
Format Bar

Select all content in the current editor window.

Toggle Bold

Right-click menuFormat -> Toggle Bold
Format Bar

Convert all selected text to a bold font or remove bold from all selected text.

Toggle Italics

Right-click menuFormat -> Toggle Italic
Format Bar

Convert all selected text to an italic font or remove italic font from all selected text.

Toggle Underline

Right-click menuFormat -> Toggle Underline
Format Bar

Underline all selected text or remove underline from all selected text.

List Styles

Right-click menuFormat -> List Style -> (choose style)
Format Bar

Assign one of the following list styles to the selected text or, if no text is selected, to the paragraph associated with the current cursor position.

Text Alignment (Also called Justification or Quadding

Right-click menuFormat -> Align Left
Right-click menuFormat -> Align Center
Right-click menuFormat -> Align Right
Right-click menuFormat -> Align Justify
Format Bar, , ,

Text may be aligned left, center, right or justified. Text alignment is a paragraph formatting option and therefore applies to either the paragraph where the cursor is located or the paragraphs included in whole or in part in the current selection.

The hotkey, Ctrl+J, fiddles the four text alignment options.


Indenting is a paragraph formatting option and therefore applies to either the paragraph where the cursor is located or the paragraphs included in whole or in part in the current selection.

Increase Left Indent

Right-click menuFormat -> Indent -> Indent
Format Bar

Indent full text of all paragraphs in selection by one tab stop. Note that the Tab hotkey will only increase indent when there is a selection of at least one character. Otherwise, a normal tab is inserted into the text content.

Decrease Left Indent

Right-click menuFormat -> Indent -> Decrease Indent
Format Bar

Decreased left indent by one tab stop.

Toggle Indenting of First Line in Paragraph

Right-click menuFormat -> Indent -> Toggle Indent First Line
Format Bar

Adds or removes an indent for the first line of the paragraph only.

Increase Right Indent

Right-click menuFormat -> Indent -> Right Indent
Format Bar

An increase of the right indent moves the right margin to the left by one tab stop for selected paragraphs.

Decrease Right Indent

Right-click menuFormat -> Indent -> Decrease Right Indent
Format Bar

A decrease of the right indent moves the right margin to the right by one tab stop for selected paragraphs until the actual right margin is reached and there is no right indent.

Clear All Indents

Right-click menuFormat -> Indent -> Clear Indents
Format Bar

Removes any left, right or first line indents from all selected paragraphs.

Line Spacing

HotkeyCtrl+0 (clear all spacing)
HotkeyCtrl+1 (single spacing)
HotkeyCtrl+5 (1.5 spacing)
HotkeyCtrl+2 (double spacing)
Right-click menuFormat -> Line Spacing -> (choose spacing)
Format Bar
Lines spacing may be set to single spacing, 1.5 lines or double spacing. Line spacing is a paragraph formatting option and applies to all selected paragraphs.

The Clear All Spacing option is basically the same as setting line spacing to single spacing for the selected paragraphs.


Change Font

Right-click menuFormat -> Font
Format Bar

When changing fonts, the Font dialog opens allowing you to select a different font family, font style, font size and a few font effects. The change is applied to all selected text.

Increase Font Size

Right-click menuFormat -> Increase Font Size
Format Bar

Increase font size of selected text by one point.

Decrease Font Size

Right-click menuFormat -> Decrease Font Size
Format Bar

Decrease font size of selected text by one point.

Quick Fonts

Right-click menuFormat -> Decrease Font Size
Format Bar

Apply a Quick Font to the selected text.


Right-click menuFormat -> Undo
Format Bar


Right-click menuFormat -> Redo
Format Bar