I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. -- Anne Frank
PieceWorx Writing Studio is free writing software for Windows - Download Now!

Posts in tools

10 Exceedingly Useful Websites for the Modern Writer

The modern writer is part writer, part entrepreneur and part technology guru. That's a tough place to be when all you really want to do is write. I present 10 exceedingly useful websites for modern writers (plus download another 22 in a PDF report). I guarantee there's at least one you're going to love. Continue...

Blog Downloads Tools Websites

What is Writing Software?

It's possible that when you think of "writing software" you think of Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or some other word processor. But writing software is different. Learn how it's different and what you stand to gain as a writer by using it. Continue...

Blog Software Tools

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