There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they'll take you. -- Beatrix Potter
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Posts in how-to

Finding Focus So You Can Stop Self-Sabotage

Do I need to become an internet marketer to be a successful writer? Even publishing companies are favoring those writers who have large online followings. Do I really have to become a successful internet marketer before I can become a successful writer? Continue...

One Piece at a Time Blog Business of Writing How-To

How to Be Your Own Hero (So You Can Finally Live Up to Your Potential)

It pains me to think that with all of the greatness inside of you that the world may never see it. Are you looking outside of yourself for answers. Are you waiting for someone or something to save you? Wait no longer, this secret weapon will change your life. Continue...

Blog How-To Motivation Self Improvement

What to Know When Choosing A Domain Name for Your Blog (10 Tech Tips)

You want to create a blog. You've heard that you'll need a domain name, but you don't know the first thing about them. I present my top 10 tech tips to help you sort through the chafe and figure out what really matters. Continue...

Blog How-To Technology Websites

3 Simple Steps to Make Sure You Never Forget Again (The Nopen Paradox, Part 2)

In Part 1, I explored how you can combat The Nopen Paradox by ensuring you always have a way to record your ideas. Here in Part 2, I present an even better solution. Continue...

Blog How-To Techniques The Writing Life

What to Do When Great Ideas Strike at Bad Times (The Nopen Paradox, Part 1)

The brain giveth and the brain taketh away. We receive amazing ideas at the most inopportune times and then forget them before we have a chance to write them down... Continue...

Blog How-To The Writing Life

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