There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. -- W. Somerset Maugham
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How to Tackle the Four Big Novel Killers - Video

There are four big novel killers that want to prevent you from completing your novel. Learn what they are and how to side step them so that you, too, can say you are a novelist. Continue...

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PieceWorx Writing Studio - v1.0.5 Released

PieceWorx Writing Studio v1.0.5 is now available. Continue...

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Do You Create for Yourself or For Others?

Why do you write? Why do you create? Is it to please yourself or to please others? How much are you motived by a self-indulgent desire to express yourself or by a calculated craftiness designed to capture the attention of others. Is one approach better than the other? Find out. Continue...

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Life is Nothing if You're Not Obsessed

Is the desire for an exceptional life at odds, by definition, with a well-balanced and happy life? John Waters had a few words for me 18 years ago on this very topic which changed the course of my life. Continue...

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What is Creativity?

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