This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until its done. It's that easy, and that hard. -- Neil Gaiman
PieceWorx Writing Studio is free writing software for Windows - Download Now!

PieceWorx v1.1.0 Now Available

Look and Feel Gets Major Upgrade in v1.1.0

A new full release of PieceWorx Writing Studio v1.1.0 is now available for download.

This version is devoted mostly to theme improvements. The brand new Theme Chooser window has snazzy previews and, as always, full hotkey support so you never have to touch the mouse if you don't want to.

We've added several new inspiring themes, bringing the total number of built-in themes to 33.

In addition to the theme upgrades, we also added a Recent Notebooks menu item to the right-click menus. It's just below the Notebook menu item and shows your 15 most recent notebooks.

There are a few more features and bug fixes in this release. Have a look at the change log for more details.

Brand New Theme Chooser

Here is a screen shot of the new theme chooser window.

... and many more.

Download the new version now! (30 day free trial).

If you already have a 1.X license, this is a free upgrade.

Version: 6.0.20200920.1535